Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Puppeteer & His Puppets

Alright, alright, alright! Week #4 already? This has been a particularly busy week for both Dolly and I, so I am pretty impressed with the quality of the drawings I am about to show you. When we brainstormed ideas for this couple the other night, we both knew this had to be the couple we'd present to you. It made us laugh, and we figure when something makes us laugh, it just might make YOU laugh! Had we known this existed, our characters may have looked a little different but as it turns out, Dolly and I are lighthearted girls with our minds positioned safely out of the gutter. And now, on to the puppet(s) and puppeteer!

Why, yes! That is a Magic: The Gathering shirt. Thank you for noticing. Is it just me, or do you want to give this puppeteer a big ol' hug? And those puppets! Who wouldn't LOVE to see that show? Clearly, he has had the puppet on the right for some time, and loved it well. Can't you tell? Just for fun, I had to see what they would all look like together, but since I am too lazy to use proper graphic editing software, I put this puppy together with Power Point.

Well- that is one great looking family, if I do say so myself.


  1. I have to add that I tried so hard to fight my inner instinct to draw Sifl & Olly type puppets, but I just couldn't resist my strongest puppet influence- the best puppet show ever. Also I kind of pictured this guy using both puppets at the same time; on one hand the perfect, idolized unicorn and on the other the kind of strung out, let down of a unicorn. They constantly bicker with one another.

    1. And I have to add that I had the same thought... but Power Point was not cooperating. You're more than welcome to Adobe that shit.
