Monday, September 3, 2012

Chef and Wife

Hello Everybody, and welcome to the first post of Dolly vs Roo.  Just to get things going I thought we could start with a brief introduction to the project.  Roo and I realized that you can't change your drawing style no matter how hard you try.  So we stopped trying and started a blog project. Together. Each week we will be drawing a pair, and after deciding on who is drawing what- there is no more conversation.  No talk of colors, props, race, or any other kind of  planning, just a simple exercise to see what comes up and how it goes together....or doesn't.  And to see whose is better, of course.  So- without further ado, I give you...the Chef and his Wife!

Also, please feel free to post loads of comments- both positive and negative are always welcome.  Admiring, bashing, and offering up suggestions for future pairs are greatly appreciated.


  1. Clicking on the picture sure makes it look prettier!

  2. Haha, this is awesome! Good job ladies! I love the facial expressions.

  3. I love the whole idea! Eager to subscribe. (Is that an underwear icon in the margin??)

    1. Why, yes, Uncle Hart! Holly designed the left side of the background, and I designed the right. The objects represent different occupations... think underwear salesman, or male stripper. I think we might make the background more visible, but we are still working out all the little bugs. :) Glad you like our idea! Should be fun.
