Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Acrobats

Dolly and I thought it would be best if we took turns posting our ridiculous creations, so here I am to introduce you to our second couple. The conversation leading up to the second pick was noteworthy, and Dolly and I wanted to share it with you, our dear reader(s). (Hey- it's our second week- there might only be one of you...) I don't know why we say the eff word so much in this string of texts. Sorry to those who are easily offended by such language. We just get so darn excited about our couples, that's all. Also-- we want you to get especially excited for next week...

(An old time circus aerialist duo is short for "acrobat.")

(It's true. You'll see.)

(Get excited for next week, people. Get. Excited.)

(I am not good at taking screenshots of text messages. I do lots of repeats. Sorry for being so confusing.)
Also, I did the girl. She looks like she should have an Adam's apple.

(Clearly, it ended at "Fucking sweet as shit I'm so so so pumped!!!!") 
Best ending to a conversation-- well-- ever. 

As you can see, aside from the foul language, picking this couple was as much fun as drawing them. When we were all done drawing and were ready to reveal them to each other, I told Holly I hoped her guy had a handlebar mustache. She had hoped for a feather in my lady's hair. One of us was not disappointed. So, here they are ladies and gents- The Acrobats! 

What do you think their story is? 
We also have a surprise for you later in the week, so check back. DO IT.


  1. i like the korean/french (wo)man who is clearly beckoning, "come hither" to his wife who i'm pretty sure could kick his ass. nice done ladies.
