Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Puppeteer & His Puppets

Alright, alright, alright! Week #4 already? This has been a particularly busy week for both Dolly and I, so I am pretty impressed with the quality of the drawings I am about to show you. When we brainstormed ideas for this couple the other night, we both knew this had to be the couple we'd present to you. It made us laugh, and we figure when something makes us laugh, it just might make YOU laugh! Had we known this existed, our characters may have looked a little different but as it turns out, Dolly and I are lighthearted girls with our minds positioned safely out of the gutter. And now, on to the puppet(s) and puppeteer!

Why, yes! That is a Magic: The Gathering shirt. Thank you for noticing. Is it just me, or do you want to give this puppeteer a big ol' hug? And those puppets! Who wouldn't LOVE to see that show? Clearly, he has had the puppet on the right for some time, and loved it well. Can't you tell? Just for fun, I had to see what they would all look like together, but since I am too lazy to use proper graphic editing software, I put this puppy together with Power Point.

Well- that is one great looking family, if I do say so myself.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Hey ya'll!  Its week 3 of this thing, the best week ever.  Roo and I were pretty excited about the subject matter this week- so much so that not only did I pre-announce that we would be drawing gentlemen in drag, but we invited everyone to draw along with us!  Well, only one other person took us up on the offer- but that's alright because she happens to be the coolest person ever!  This week we're guest featuring the lovely, the one and only, and my BFF, Miss Cricket!  And boy did she deliver the goods....

And as if that lovely princess weren't enough- I got quite the surprise when I showed up at Crickets house this evening.  This drawing was the last of four sketches!!!  Well, I couldn't contain my excitement, I sent the good news (And the photos) over to Roo and she was equally as excited....

So anyways, with Crickets permission I'm showing all these ladies to the world- and YOU get the first look! I swear she should make some kind of drag queen postcard collection or something...

Haha, honestly with all this excitement, I hardly have the energy to pump up the Dolly vs. Roo set, but here they are anyways!

Well I think that we can all agree that this was a very successful week indeed.  Lets give these gentlemen-ladies a round of applause, cause they're lookin' good!  Big thanks to Cricket this week for giving this open forum post the "ooomf" that it needed.  Check back next week- we are pretty fired up about it....

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Acrobats

Dolly and I thought it would be best if we took turns posting our ridiculous creations, so here I am to introduce you to our second couple. The conversation leading up to the second pick was noteworthy, and Dolly and I wanted to share it with you, our dear reader(s). (Hey- it's our second week- there might only be one of you...) I don't know why we say the eff word so much in this string of texts. Sorry to those who are easily offended by such language. We just get so darn excited about our couples, that's all. Also-- we want you to get especially excited for next week...

(An old time circus aerialist duo is short for "acrobat.")

(It's true. You'll see.)

(Get excited for next week, people. Get. Excited.)

(I am not good at taking screenshots of text messages. I do lots of repeats. Sorry for being so confusing.)
Also, I did the girl. She looks like she should have an Adam's apple.

(Clearly, it ended at "Fucking sweet as shit I'm so so so pumped!!!!") 
Best ending to a conversation-- well-- ever. 

As you can see, aside from the foul language, picking this couple was as much fun as drawing them. When we were all done drawing and were ready to reveal them to each other, I told Holly I hoped her guy had a handlebar mustache. She had hoped for a feather in my lady's hair. One of us was not disappointed. So, here they are ladies and gents- The Acrobats! 

What do you think their story is? 
We also have a surprise for you later in the week, so check back. DO IT.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Chef and Wife

Hello Everybody, and welcome to the first post of Dolly vs Roo.  Just to get things going I thought we could start with a brief introduction to the project.  Roo and I realized that you can't change your drawing style no matter how hard you try.  So we stopped trying and started a blog project. Together. Each week we will be drawing a pair, and after deciding on who is drawing what- there is no more conversation.  No talk of colors, props, race, or any other kind of  planning, just a simple exercise to see what comes up and how it goes together....or doesn't.  And to see whose is better, of course.  So- without further ado, I give you...the Chef and his Wife!

Also, please feel free to post loads of comments- both positive and negative are always welcome.  Admiring, bashing, and offering up suggestions for future pairs are greatly appreciated.